Spillit Review: Best Ask.fm alternative to Get Your Questions Answered!

Spillit Review Vs Ask.fm

Spillit review on why it is the best Ask.fm alternative and a better social network where you can get answers for all your questions.

Spillit Review Vs Ask.fm

Are you a fan of social networking and like interacting with new people? Websites like Facebook have long been used for this purpose. But perhaps the allure of such social networks has diminished as people look for newer ways of connecting to each other. If you like talking to new people and asking them about their lives, or answering questions about your own life, then you will very much like to check out Spillit, a brand new social network. In this Spillit review, we talk about the fun ways you can connect with each other and how it stands up to its alternatives and why we believe spillit is the best Ask.fm alternative.

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How To Find a Trustworthy SEO Company For Your Website?

How to Hire A Professional SEO?

How to hire a trustworthy SEO company?You have realized that your website needs a little extra push or a major shove in order to bring in more business. And you have decided to hire a professional Search Engine Optimization firm or consultant to do the job you don’t have the time or the expertise to do yourself. This might be one of the best decisions you might have ever made. But how do you go about finding a good and trustworthy SEO company that will be a perfect match for your website? What is the next logical thing to do and how do you know you can trust them?

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Top 5 Most Affordable Cities In The US

most affordable citiesThe US in one of the Most expensive places in the world to live in. But that doesn’t mean all of it isn’t affordable. There are some cities that are relatively reasonably priced when it comes to living expenses. Forbes analyzed data from America’s 100 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Metropolitan Divisions with populations of 600,000 or more. They measured the cost of food, utilities, transportation, medical expenses and other daily expenses to find the cost of living. Here are the top 5 most affordable cities to live in in the US.

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How To Use Quora To Build Your Brand Reputation?

QuoraQuora is a very powerful, yet under-utilized marketing and brand building tool. It is community-based, and is one of the biggest crowd-sourced knowledge base. And it may just be the be the future of other knowledge bases because it’s more flexible with anonymity and it has awesome built-in expertise metrics that can help search engines better understand the quality of content. Yet, very few brands utilize it to its fullest. Today, we’ll talk about how Quora can help build your brand reputation.

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5 Useful Facebook Features You Might Have Missed

5 useful Facebook featuresLast year, Facebook released Nearby Friends which tells you where you friend’s location is, and recently, Facebook is letting you make payments through Facebook Messenger. But did you know that Facebook keeps an archive of everything you have ever put on the social network, even stuff you’ve deleted before? Would you like to get a copy of this back?

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The Top 10 Richest Cities In The World [2015]

Top 10 Richest CitiesHave you ever wondered, what makes a city rich or poor? The people, the culture, the infrastructure? Well, in most cases, a city’s wealth is measured by the GDP, or Gross Domestic Product. This refers to the market value of all the goods and services offers in a particular city. Wondering which city in the World is the wealthiest? Take a look at the top 10 richest cities in the World as of 2015!

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Top 3 Web Hosts That Offer Free Domain Names!

free domain nameEver wanted to work on a web-project and see it live in action without having to spend much on the domain and hosting? While it is true that there are various affordable local hosting services that can get your project up and running, these aren’t often very reliable. Today, we will talk about the top web-hosting companies which offer free domain names with web hosting purchase. Not only will you get reliability and security with these services, you will be able to save $10-15 on a domain name.

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How Businesses Can Benefit From Twitter’s ‘While You Were Away’ Feature?

Twitter 'While You Were Away'

Twitter has become an increasingly powerful marketing tool. Now, with the introduction of a new ‘While you were away” feature, it hopes to become something big. Businesses have had a love/hate relationship with Twitter since its birth. It can be a tremendous communication tool, of course, but it seemed to only be of true benefit for big companies. Local businesses outside of real-time floaters had a hard time generating a true return on investment. With this new feature however, Twitter aims to change that.

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The 10 Most Luxurious Hotels In The World in 2013

10 Most Luxurious hotels in the world in 2013Whether you’re an enthusiastic tourist who loves travelling around the world, or a rich businessperson who frequents other countries for executive meetings and conferences, you’ll never find a shortage of luxurious hotels to stay in. Tourism is a multi-billion-dollar-per-year industry, and hotels seem to be the beneficiaries. That probably explains the steep hotel rates you will find in some hotels, most of which aren’t even worth it. They will charge you insanely just because they can! But as always, money doesn’t always means comfort. Check out this collection of the most luxurious hotels in the world in 2013. These are, by no means, the most expensive ones (a couple might, but some are fairly reasonably priced too).

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Top 10 Expensive Luxury Yachts of the Super Rich

10 Expensive Luxury YachtsJust like children, men like to buy, and play with their favourite toys. Some buy fancy cars and bikes, whereas others buy expensive homes with pools, gyms, home cinemas, and more. Some like flying their private jets while others take to the ocean for leisure cruises. Featured in this post is a collection of some of the most expensive and luxurious yachts owner by those who have a lot of money to spend, and apparently a lot of time to waste as well. Some of these people are world renowned celebrities, whom the fans love to follow. So check out the top 10 most expensive luxury yachts of the uber-rich celebrities from around the world!

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10 Amazing Gold Plated Cars in the World

10 amazing Gold-Plated cars in the WorldSome people like surround themselves with luxury. Some buy expensive home, some go to expensive places to live in, and some buy expensive cars. But the human nature is built in such a way that it doesn’t stop wanting for more. For some people, buying expensive cars isn’t enough. They want so much more from their cars, that to them, luxury knows no bounds. For instance, check out these 10 expensive cars from around the world that are gold plated! Some even have solid gold bodyworks! Nothing like a gold rush of luxury to satisfy one’s passions, huh?

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Top 10 Fastest Growing Tech Companies of 2013

Fastest growing tech companies 2013The technology sector is a pretty dynamic one, and one of the fastest growing market sectors sectors. Each year, fresh faces can be seen ploughing through the ranks, while the old big timers like Facebook and LinkedIn holding on tight to the top spots. But that’s not to say every Tech giant can live up to its reputation each time. For example, in this year’s survey by Forbes, Microsoft was nowhere near the top 20 mark, and Google only managed to scrape a 17th position. Wanna know who made it to the top 10 list this year? Check out this list of the top 10 fastest growing Tech companies of 2013.

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