10 Most Popular International Celebrities on Facebook

Top-10-Most-Popular-Celebs-On-FacebookFacebook is one of the most widely used social media platform. It has over 1.39 billion monthly active users. It is not just a social networking site to connect with friends but also a platform to engage with celebrities and influencers.

I wrote a list post about Twitter top 10 most followed international celebrities sometime back. And in this post, let’s have a look at the ten most popular celebrities on Facebook. 

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Why Politicians And Celebrities Use Twitter But Not Facebook Often?


Why-Politicians-And-Celebrities-Use-Twitter-not-facebookMany celebrities and politicians are often found more active on Twitter than Facebook. This made us curious to dig out the facts and find some reasons why celebs hate Facebook.

Yes, there are many VIPs active on Facebook but on comparison Twitter seems to be winning the race. Below are the four reasons why celebrities and politicians find Twitter more engaging than Facebook.

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Why Do Musicians Dominate Social Media?


Why-do-musicians-Dominate-Social-MediaWe recently compiled and researched the Twitter top 10 most followed celebrities. Looking at the list we realize the list is completely dominated by musicians.

Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears are the seven musicians who dominated the list.

Only three non-musicians made it to the top 10 list — Barack Obama (President), Ellen DeGeneres (TV Host) and Cristiano Ronaldo (Footballer).

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6 Smart Strategies To Decrease Bounce Rate Of Your Site


how-to-reduce-bounce-rateBounce rate is the percentage of your site visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. Having an extremely high bounce rate means your site visitors hardly navigate more than one page of your site.

Following are the six smart strategies that you should use to keep your visitors on your pages longer. These strategies will help you to decrease bounce rate of your website. 

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The Basics Of Making Money Online

The -Basics-Of-Making-Money-Online

The -Basics-Of-Making-Money-OnlineAre you a newbie to the online world? Or you struggling to promote your business and make a standing online? Then you simply can’t afford to skip reading this post.

Internet is the most profitable and attractive place at the moment for Entrepreneurs to drive conversions and expand their businesses.

The following tips will help you establish yourself online. Not to mention, these are the basics of making money online. 

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7 Things Every Blog Should Have


7-Things-Every-Blog-Should-HaveThe web is full of websites and blogs. In order to outshine in this competitive online business world you need a reader-friendly blog. Whether you have a business blog or a personal blog, you should have functionalities that actually help your visitors.

This post will help you to throw out Bells and whistles, and will make you actually focus on things that really matter the most. From thorough About page to testimonials, here are the 7 things every blog should have. 

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