4 Top Strategies To Sell Products On Facebook

ASell-products-on-facebook lot of businesses, bloggers and marketers promote themselves and their work on Facebook. But Facebook is more than just a networking and promoting platform.

Only a few smart marketers and businesses are leveraging the Facebook’s true potential by selling products to their followers and friends. 

People hate being asked to buy things on Facebook. So how to adopt the right strategies so that you don’t appear to be pushy or a sales person.

Read on to discover the strategies that you should promptly introduce in your marketing plans and efforts. The following set of tactics will help you increase your sales using Facebook. Not only read but also apply the strategies to convert your fans into paying customers.

1. Launch your products on your Facebook page.

Announce new products releases on your Facebook page. If you have a budget for marketing then you can try boosting your posts on Facebook.

Targeting your posts to the audiences might help you convert more visitors into customers.

2. Add custom Tabs on your Facebook page.

You can use applications to add an additional custom tab on your Facebook page. It can either be used to sell directly or it can be a landing page encouraging visitors to visit your site or online store.

Here is how my super-talented friend Lori from L Knits inserted a custom tab to describe her company on her page –

Example of a custom tab on Facebook page

3. Use striking visuals and cover photo.

Post interesting and appealing pictures and videos to increase the shares. A well-designed picture or entertaining or educational videos can help you convert more.

On the cover photo, you can list the testimonials and features of your products. And in the cover photo’s description don’t forget to add a link to your product/sales page.

One of my smart friend Swadhin Agrawal does it right, have a look at his cover photo and you will understand it all –

Example of a service selling cover photo

He is talking about his consulting and business services on his cover photo. Smart strategy which you too must apply!

4. Promote your products in Facebook groups.

If you get an opportunity to promote your products in the Facebook groups, do not miss it.

But make sure the group is relevant for the offer or deal you have. Do not spam about your products in the groups. That will take away all the credibility of your product.

Over to you! 

Which strategies you liked the most? Were you already employing some of the above mentioned tactics? Did it help you to sell products on Facebook?

Have more selling tips to share with us? Drop your thoughts in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!

4 thoughts on “4 Top Strategies To Sell Products On Facebook”

  1. Hi Rohan,
    Selling on social media is always a risk. An rather more it is a trick too. People get aggressive in their approach and thus lose sales.
    But then, marketers like you come up with a post that has not one but four strategies to sell online without being aggressive.

    Adding custom tabs on Facebook is having so much potential but is most often overlooked. I am glad you talked about it. Setting up a custom html tab is so easy or a Pinterest tab to show your pin board that sells your store is really useful.

    And thanks a ton for the mention. I was actually weary about how it would go but glad you liked it. 🙂 I really appreciate it Rohan. 🙂

    • Hi Swadhin,

      I certainly agree to you. Peeps on social media hate when someone tries to sell something to them. And social media is definitely not a place to sell but to socialize.

      But some smart strategies like yours can help succeeding in marketing efforts without being too aggressive and pushy.

      Yes, one of my friend who sells hand crafts has a Pinterest tab.

      Swadhin, believe me your cover photo has managed to give a tough competition even to the industry experts. And I am being totally honest at the moment. You deserve to be mentioned for all your facebook strategies. I admire you for all that you do. 🙂

      Thanks so much for your comment. Have a great week ahead.



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