How to Embed Facebook Posts in WordPress?

embed facebook posts in wordpressFacebook, being the largest social networking site of the world, has no limits when it comes to coming up with new features to enhance social circles, giving an entire world a social touch. Amazingly, the site secures the first rank according to the alexa ranking, even surpassing the traffic which is been enjoyed by Google daily. Due to its unstoppable popularity, Facebook is turning into an official platform for majority of the celebrities, politicians, sportsmen and spokesmen who reveal their stories and hot news only on their Facebook fan official pages. Keeping in view the significance of its importance, the Team has recently launched a new feature with which the bloggers and the news breakers can now Embed Facebook Posts in wordpress, blogger, and in short every website.

Here is a detailed article about the feature and a simple tutorial of how to embed Facebook posts in wordpress especially.

Facebook Graph Search Must-Know Privacy Tips

facebook graph search privacyIt had been long that we heard something from Facebook regarding an update and finally the largest social networking site is back into the news for its new service, that is Facebook Graph Search. Although the idea was introduced late back in January 2013, it is only now that the service is live for the users. Facebook graph search feature holds significant importance for the team as well as Mark Zuckerberg declared it to the be the third pillar of Facebook. However, just like all other features been introduced by Facebook previously, Graph search too, has got all the potential to disturb your privacy concerns and it is really important for you to understand what actually graph search is all about and how shall you manage your settings to ensure your privacy.

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Top 10 Most Played Facebook Games in India

most played facebook games in IndiaBeing the second largest country of the world in terms of population, India enjoys a great number of internet users who keep themselves occupied by using social media websites and playing games on Facebook. According to the latest survey been conducted by, it has been concluded that Indians are really into Facebook gaming and to make it further interesting, here is a list of top 10 most played Facebook games in India on the basis of the number of monthly active users on these Facebook games. Have a look!

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Top 6 Facebook Ads Optimization Tips To Spend Budget Wisely

Top Facebook Ad Optimization TipsManaging a profitable customer relationship by fulfilling their needs while satisfying the goals and objectives of your organization is what marketing is all about. What we normally take as ‘promoting your product’, is one of the four pillars of marketing, i.e. Product, Placement, Price, Promotion, but is also generally the most important one as it allows you to gain people’s conviction which, in a world of several competitors, is exactly what you need to do. Facebook provides you with easy mechanisms to launch your advertisement campaigns and hence, extract revenue from them. However, easy as it may sound, it really isn’t; and that primarily would be because of your competitors who also happen to know this fact – plus, your poor campaign strategies also contribute a lot to your failure. But, if launched correctly, your ads can certainly fulfil your goals without a hassle. Let’s take a look at a few best Facebook ad optimization tips to help you launch a successful advertisement campaign on Facebook.

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How Facebook identifies Authentic and Fake Accounts?

Facebook Authentic and Fake AccountsIf you are an addictive Facebook user or love to follow your favorite celebrities, brands and communities, then what might always have bothered you is to find an official fan page of the said category. Facebook Fan Pages have given a real boost to this social networking site where almost every 2 of the users out of 10 are managing a fan page of their own, making it difficult for the users to identify the original fan page out of many available on this social media.

Countering this issue, Facebook has come up with a new strategy that helps users identify the authentic accounts to avoid being a victim of fake fan pages.

50 Must-Know Facebook Facts and Figures-2013

facebook-facts_originalIf you conduct a  poll in your surroundings to know whether how many of your friends and people in your social circle are using Facebook, you will find that out of every 5 people around, at least two of them would be active Facebook users. However, out of all those addictive Facebookers, there would only be few who would be knowing much about this social media when it comes to its facts and figures.

Here are  50 amazing facts about your favorite social media which you should know!

Getting Started With Facebook Home-Things to Know!

getting started with facebook homeFacebook Home, ‘the next version of Facebook’ is finally on its way to bring a change, a promise of Android to its users. A complete new mobile experience to stay connected by putting your friends at the heart of your phone is here to get explored. From the moment you turn it on; you see a stream of your friend’s photos, posts and chat heads popping up on your home screen. At a glance you can check out new photos, posts and news. Keep typing and chatting with your Facebook friends while using the other apps.

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How to Add and Remove Sections in New Facebook Timeline?

new timeline 2013Facebook has become a part of everyday life for most of us. It follows us wherever we go, be it school, office or home. It is an addiction for which no cure has been found yet. A website which started out as merely a source of contact among friends and family has become a source not only of information and entertainment but also a means to propagate ones religious, political and social believes. Keeping this in mind Facebook came up with innovative ideas for its users. One of them was the introduction of ‘User’s timeline’ sometime ago. With the success of this timeline and growing needs of its users, Facebook has now come up with a new and improved layout of the timeline to make using Facebook easy.

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Facebook Home Android app- the Critical Side

facebook homeapSmart phones have changed the technology world big time. They are being used by almost everybody around us and have literally brought the entire world on our finger tips. Another technological revolution we have seen in the recent past is the advent of Facebook and yet it has no end. It is turning into a giant monster, taking a control over every next thing and this time its your smartphone. This revolution has taken a new avatar in the form of ‘Facebook home android app’. This app has got many Facebook addicts going mad as it enables one to be constantly updated with the activities of their friends. No doubt it is one the most popular apps found in android phones. But many people forget that need to know a thing or two before using it. This is where this article comes to your rescue.

We did share the news about Facebook’s next big move and here we are again to share some of the drawbacks one should have in mind before using this app.

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Facebook Evolution and Life Cycle!

facebook life cycleFacebook is something that doesn’t needs an introduction. A social media having billions of active users has been doing great since the day it was launched. If you are an old  Facebook user then you will find this post interesting enough to refresh your old memories of using this social media site. Here is a list of all major changes that are of significant importance in the journey that Facebook started, back in 2004. Lets go back to those days and recall how Facebook gradually reached to somewhere, that is here!

Have a look!

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Facebook introduces Android App ‘HOME’- Turn smartphones into FB Phones!

facebook home android appIf you own an Android phone and enjoy being on Facebook round the clock then Facebook has something really special for you that would definitely change your perception about how to use your cell for staying connected. The company has recently launched its new software for android phones which can be taken as a Facebook app, running on your android device. How about changing the entire interface of your cellphone, modifying the old customary into a Facebook interface? If the idea excites you enough to get one installed on your cell too, here is all what you must need to know.

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5 Ways to Unfriend someone on Facebook!

delete irritating friends on facebookSome friends can be really annoying, they keep posting on your wall even when they are actually sitting in a restaurant or driving. Unfriending such friends on Facebook are like life-long tag of being rude and ignorant. Obviously everyone of us wan to stay sweet, especially on Social networking sites, All you need to do is to be smart in what you do, and especially when it comes about unfriending a friend, never ever ignore or press the hazardous unfriend button, follow the sweet tackles and enjoy not be ignorant but when you are actually ignorant!

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