Top Ten Poorest Countries In 2016

top 10 poorest countries in 2016Any country can be regarded to as rich or poor depending upon their gross domestic product per capita i.e. GDP per capita along with their literacy rate, their employment rate, their purchasing power parity and the number of cultured people. If the statistics are high, that country can be regarded as a rich and developing country but if data shows a decline in these parameters, the country will automatically fall into the list of poorest countries of the world. There are many countries in the world today that have as low GDP as thousand dollars per year and are in dire need of help from their neighbors. Top ten poorest countries in 2016 are:

Malawi (GDP: 226 dollars)


The population of this country is about sixteen million but due to its low capita and low living standards, Malawi is considered as the poorest country in the world this year. Life expectancy here is also very low and there is high infant mortality as no basic life needs are present here.

Burundi (GDP: 267 dollars)


A major reason why Burundi is suffering from poverty is because there is great corruption, political crisis, economic instability, illiteracy and warfare in the country. This country is also the hungriest country of the world and is rising on the global hunger index with every passing year.

Central African Republic (GDP: 333 dollars)

Central African Republic

Although there are many natural resources present in this country like minerals, uranium, crude oil, diamonds and gold but due to low economic growth and little human development, central African republic is among the poorest countries of the world.

Niger (GDP: 415 dollars)


With 17 million populations, Niger has very low living standards and economic growth making it a top candidate for poorest countries of the world.

Liberia (GDP: 454 dollars)


Liberia has four million inhabitants but due to the successive civil wars, there has been death of about 0.5 million people and has devastated the entire economy of the country as well.

Madagascar (GDP: 463 dollars)


This is an island country and has high h level literacy and poverty among people. The major reasons of economic weaknesses and low quality life here is political crisis and lack of agriculture.

Democratic Republic Of Congo (GDP: 484 dollars)

Democratic Republic Of Congo

Congo is among the poorest countries of the world because it has about 77 million inhabitants but according to the number of people, the resources for food and water are not enough. There is political instability in the country and there is lack of governmental infrastructure as well.

The Gambia (GDP: 488 dollars)

The Gambia

Gambia earns its GDP solely though tourism and fishing otherwise there are no resources, literacy and politics here that can support the population of 1.8 million.

Ethiopia (GDP: 505 dollars)


With 88 million people in the country, Ethiopia has very high poverty and hunger rate. Though some growth has been seen in the last few years but it is still not enough for the people to live a good and better life.

Guinea (GDP: 523 dollars)

Guinea has very low income every year despite the fact that this country has great diamond and gold mines. There is still literacy and high death rate among infants and geriatrics.

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Poorest Countries In 2016”

  1. Thanks Nida for this. I was going to give my Zakat for 2016 and on Penny Appeal’s website you can choose where to send money to as part of their Feed the World Programme. Thanks for the top 10 ten break down stats.


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