20 Easy Fiverr Gigs Ideas To Sell In 2018

Simple Gigs to Make Money on FiverrPeople who have been wondering how people are earning real smart with the online Money Making mechanism, we have something for them today. There has been a gradual increase in the number of individuals who have put an end to their physical real life jobs and are making their livings with the online world out there, using Fiverr and similar platforms. Smart Earning Methods has also been keen in encouraging its readers to launch their startups and has come up with unique ideas and strategies that can help one to be his boss rather than working for nine long hours and giving the profit to someone he might not even know, in the end! Taking the legacy ahead, we are again here with something worth following if you are all set to make some money by cashing your skills.

We have been sharing a lot about Fiverr Gigs ideas sometime back but to be honest, the new research and an in-depth analysis have shown that Fiverr is becoming the best freelancing platform for the talented and skilled entrepreneurs and online earners. We will be sharing the top 20 Easy Fiverr Gigs Ideas to Sell on Fiverr in 2018 with you but just before that, let us briefly share how Fiverr works for those who are new to Fiverr.

What to Expect from Fiverr Gigs in 2018?

Since 2010 when Fiverr was first launched, it made freelancing a fun job!

Like many different Freelancing platforms Fiverr is an online window where you need to register yourself and market your skills, anything you are good at (to be honest) for $5. Let’s assume if you are a musician and have your hands on any instrument, you can even advertise playing a tune for $5. On Fiverr, you will have millions of potential clients who might be looking for something similar that you have to offer. Out of those millions of possible customers, if you get one, you can straight earn $5 in return for your services.

However, it is primarily necessary that you need to know what is the hot cake on Fiverr and what is an actual waste of time. As per the survey and research conducted by the Smart Earning Methods Team, below shared are the top 20 natural Gigs ideas that you can sell on Fiverr in 2018 to make a lucrative income online.

1. Designing a Creative Logo or Company Profile Icon

If you are a designer, congratulations. Fiverr has so much to offer you as an opportunity. Being a designer yourself, you know how little time is required by a pro-designer to design a logo. The real game behind making a logo is the concept and color and the fact that how important the logo is. The closer, the better!

Fiverr has a huge bunch of people who are in need of designers who can design logos for their start-ups, companies, and blogs as it is unlikely for them to hire a designer on board for a simple task. That is why Clients look forward to designers online who can do this quick job for them in return of $5 and Fiverr acts as the most authentic layer of service and product provision. Let’s assume if it were not Fiverr, the client would have been paying up to $20 to an uncertain designer where reliability could have been a major issue.

2. Designing a Business Card – Unique Gig Idea

Being Designer, you have multiple ways to boost up your Fiverr income with the investment of a pretty less time. Apart from Logos, you can also offer your services to the potential businessmen and design business cards for them. Taking proper instructions and details is the real game here, and once you have all the details, it is probably a sixty minutes’ task for you and you can earn $5 straight for that.

3. Animations and Illustrations – Popular Gig on Fiverr

Graphics are doing a great deal in the market, but a good Graphic Designer for short term requirements is a tough task to get your hands on! Many companies now prefer to get an animated video or a short cartoonish illustration as a message conveyed about their brand. If you are an illustrator or animation designer, you should surely market your small set of deals, and you are most likely to get good customers who would wish to have you for a long-time association.

4. Vector Creation – Best Gig Idea For Designers

There are thousands of software available that you can purchase online and learn how to create a vector. Vectors are very much in demands these days, and you can surely get buyers who are ready to pay up to $10 for a simple vector to be created.

5. Designing Brochures and Flyers

Many marketing companies are in search of cheap and reliable designers who are ready to work on freelance and design and deliver quick brochures and flyers. All you need here is the information and message what the buyers want to communicate to the audience, and once you have the sufficient knowledge, that’s all that you want to make a brochure. There are a couple of Softwares that can help you giving ideas and smooth outputs for an effort of $5.

6. Infographics Service Provision – Money Making Gig Idea

With the advancement and creativity coming tightly intact in a good business strategy, infographics is mostly promoted by the professional companies. Infographics are the graphical representation of the data and figures. If you are good with Infographics, you can earn a lot on Fiverr.

7. Content Writing – Best Gig Ideas For Bloggers

Content writing is a great business to start up with! If you are a writer and have excellent writing skills, you can earn handsome per month basis. However, for those writers who are unable to get an authorship of any blog or company can still make some decent money by bidding their writing services on Fiverr and get $5 for 400 to 500 words. The accumulated income generated as a result of consistent work is amazing.

8. Professional Documentation

It is a dilemma that people with high standards and business minds lack in writing and documentation. That’s fair enough when they can pay and get it done, why to try even! If you are good with MS Word or with other tools that are used for documentation, you can offer your services to the potential clients on Fiverr and earn smart for a petty work that does not require anything more but your time and writing.

9. Offering Translations

Right now there can be only one barrier in between the business in different territories, and that is the lack of scientific capabilities. If you have by chance, a grip of Chinese, Italian, French, Spanish or Hindi and you are equally good with English; you can earn a huge income by offering your translation skills.

10. Proofreading

Again cashing your English skills, you can make smart by offering proofreading services. Statistics shows that the proofreaders are highly used as freelancers on Fiverr. All it takes is a bit of scrutiny of the content written already. Not a bad deal to earn $5.

11. Data Entry

Data Entry tasks are not much welcomed by big business to be done themselves. This is an unthankful job but necessary too. People are hiring many people as freelancers for simple data entry tasks like putting simple values in Excel or similar databases and pay well for this simple task.

12. Blogging and Website Plugins

If you are a web designer, obviously you will not be interested in working for $5. However, you can always market the small plug-ins and stuff like that on Fiverr as it is very appealing to the new bloggers who are good at writing an on-page SEO but do not know how to add plugins like social media, SEO, etc!

13. Keywords Search

Bloggers who are all new in the blogging sphere are always confused about the keywords that can bring organic traffic to their blogs. If you have your hands on Keywords search, a set of fruitful Keywords can bring you straight $5 in no time.

14. SEO Customization

People are willing to pay$100 for SEO customization, and you can earn even more by bidding On-page and off-page SEO customization to the new bloggers on Fiverr also. It’s about grabbing your client once, and he might turn back to you with a better deal.

15. Audio/Video Version Conversions

The file and extension conversions can be a real problem in some extreme cases. Although there are many freeware tools available to do this, many people either do not have the time or the knowledge to do so. You can make a gig of it and earn for converting file extensions from one source to another.

16. Dubbing and Voiceovers

Dubbing in different voices is a skill and Voiceovers are highly in demand these days for professional use for video making and background sound. You can make some money out of it too if you have this talent.

17. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the easiest and the interesting way to market a service or a product. Fiverr have a lot of employers who might need you for email marketing and pay you handsomely in return of an easy task.

18.Work out and unique diet plan

Even a simple gym knowledge can help you making money. If you are good at making diet plans and workout plans, there are a lot of people who would like to buy your talent and knowledge of Fiverr.

19. Religious Tutoring

Irrespective of the Religion itself, if you have enough religion knowledge and love to talk about it, there are people who would like to learn from you. The probability of the potential audience here varies with the religion itself! People are offering their services in this domain too.

20. Educational Tutoring

No matter whatever your education level is, you can always tutor one level down a student and make cool money out of sometimes rendered for online training.

Above shared are some adamant Fiverr Gigs ideas that are simple but very powerful regarding money generation on Fiverr. Pick the most appropriate option for yourself and enjoy earning on Fiverr. Let me know if you have any queries. 🙂

9 thoughts on “20 Easy Fiverr Gigs Ideas To Sell In 2018”

  1. Content writing is the best choice I think! Because, thirst for quality content is increasing day by day because, many of the people don’t have enough time or skill to write! So, they hire someone!


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