4 Most Trusted Online Money Making Methods – A Snap Shot!

authentic ways to make moneyWhen it comes to online money making, a good practise is to prioritize the options that might work the best for you. realizing the need of how big you dream to earn, you must know which method will bring you how much. Online Earning is huge but with diversified fields, therefore its important to We have a focus on the most authentic and then most productive online earning   methods.  It’s time to have a quick flashback on the most common and trusted methods that can bring you huge revenue to meet up your livings and enjoy unlimited popularity in the niche that suits you the best.

We have been talking about different strategies but here we will focus on the top 4 methods that brings out the best results with quick and comparatively large amount of money .

Tip 1 – Start A blog!

blogging and moneyIt’s a pleasure for me to state that about 60% of our readers are bloggers running their own blogs. They will definitely agree on the unique yet authentic strategy that is used in blogging to make money online. Building your own blog, and maintaining it in the right way is certainly not an easy task but once you learn the magic, you will see a great deal of money around you. You have to be patient and need to work hard. T he only thing that counts the most when it comes to blogging is your consistency of  posting a really good work, followed by the relevancy of the subject.  the blogger should keep his business professional and must take it as a responsibility to deliver the most authentic content to his readers. once the readership grows, page rank increases, increasing the overall earnings from the blog.

Once your blog becomes search engine favorite, you will see a drastic change in your revenue statistics, making money from Advertisements like Adsense and private Ads. One thing that always matter for bloggers is their Alexa Rankings. Read how you can increase your alexa rankings and get benefitted with respectful alexa rankings. By the Grace of God, SEM is in top 40 thousand websites just in 5 months of its existence with PR of 2. so you see, hard work never goes in veins. keep working hard.

Tip 2 – Become a Freelancer 

freelancingAfter Blogging, the most effective way to make money online is to become a freelancer. we have been sharing in detail about how to become a freelancer, it is perhaps one of the most common ways with which people are making their livings. freelancing2There are many freelancing authentic sites where you need to create a profile based on your work experience and get hired to online jobs. Jobs will be like web designing, software development, data entry operation, writing, virtual assistance, graphic designing, etc. however there are many factors you need to take care of that actually stops you from getting contracts in your Freelancing career.

However, being a freelancer myself, I know that earning with Freelancing is certainly not easy especially to win the trust of your clients is the most tough job. If you are a newbie, you always suffer because of the lack of experience, at the same time, sites like elance, freelancer, etc, have got a crowed of freelancers who are ready to bid as low as possible. still once you get your first contract, you can expect good earnings depending upon the niche you have chosen to work.

Tip 3 – Write Articles!


People usually regard website as like Hub pages/squidoo in this category. These popular websites work in a manner. The users have a kind of a profile page where they publish their articles on their hub. The articles can be of any category. I suggest that you should choose the category in which you would write in when you make up your profile for the first time.

article writing
These websites don’t pay you for publishing articles actually, but you get revenue by the Adsense ads that are displayed beside your hubs (articles). You have to link your account with your Adsense account for that. There are few other options too, Like Kontera. They also accept affiliate links in the article.

This is a better start for those who do not want to start a blog from scratch. These sites perform the SEO work for you and once you become the user, you can earn more out of ads if your articles are attractive enough to magnetize traffic from search engines.

However, setting up your own blog has got an upper hand over this option as by putting in a little more effort can turn out to be 100 times better in terms of earning strategies with the same piece of article.

Paid to Review Articles

there are sites that pay for reviewing different products. It may be a neutral product or something their own. A website, like reviewstream.com, pays out $2 to the writers for a review that gets published (accepted) and then $1 for each comment that is based on the review.
The more quality of your review the more you get paid.

Tip 4 – Become a Marketer (Using Free Methods).

affiliate-marketingHere comes the last tip that can surely generate good revenue for you. And that is Affiliate marketing that involves selling products from Amazon, Clickbank, Azoogle etc. affiliate networks. All you are required to do is paid marketing for the product by Article and review writings. Sites like Hubpages and squidoo are working best here. Read more about Affiliate Marketing here.


Online business strategies require you to be strong enough to choose the right option at right times. However, you need to be wise enough to avoid falling for spams and internet frauds to save your money, time and strength. the creativity lies within you and the only factor needed to become successfully rich is to find that creativity and utilize it in the best possible way.

All the Best

9 thoughts on “4 Most Trusted Online Money Making Methods – A Snap Shot!”

  1. thanks for these useful methods to make money, I have tried all of these, they work great except the affiliate marketing, I dont really know why but I never managed to sell even single product to anyone, thats probably because I am bad at it, and that is why I wouldn’t recommend affiliate marketing to starters.

    • 🙂 Thanks Tarun by now i have come across many friends who have similar thoughts about affiliate marketing. although the concept seems simple. we have been sharing some great tips in this field. wait for the fresh tips that will surely work out this time for you buddy 🙂

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