10 Hot Tips to Judge Your Articles to Offer High Quality !

judge your articlesA blogger needs to be a fair judge when it comes to judging his own articles before actually publishing the content to his blog. to ensure that all his posts maintain a high quality consistently, it is therefore advised to draw up a framework to judge the article once it is ready to get published.

here are 10 most common tips  that a blogger must follow while examining his written piece so that all his Articles turn out to be great ones, ultimately bringing a huge traffic along with a considerable revenue with it.

1)  Ensure the originality of your piece!

Go for originality. Avoid redundancies. Nobody in this busy world is free enough to read the same content over and over again. You should include new posts or put up new slant on old ideas. Needless to say, personal touch with professional writing is also a key factor here. Similarly when you are writing on a topic, don’t rewrite existing content on internet but write original ideas and experience.

2) Become a resource!

Your readers are reading you with some motive. respect that. before publishing your write ups, always ask yourself that Is your blog capable enough to answer the reader’s questions? Does it provide information? All the readers appreciate some informative content with the posts. So, if you can utilize original research to do that, you will have succeeded in coming up with content that is unique and worthy of going viral.

3) Avoid Mistakes – correct the Mistakes!

 edit your articlesNow that you are done with the initial step of writing, proof reading is the next step. You nneed to have excellent proofreading skills, even if you don’t have good writing abilities. if you can afford, then you may hire someone to assist you if you can’t do it yourself. Always maintain the decorum in your writing with correct grammar and spellings as the incorrect ones give a wrong impression about your blog.

4) Edit the Article

The proper editing of the article matters a lot. Pages that have been well-edited are usually more reputable and result in higher rankings as people are interested in reading articles that are clear and concise.

5) Consider Search Engine Rankings

Your writings must cater to the interest of the readers which thereby affects the search engine rankings and also the machine readers. As the users share the content they like, the web rankings accelerate.

6) sound Authentic – become Authentic!

Interesting fact of life is, you eventually become what you try to portray. must have heard about “fake it till you make it…”,  always ask yourself that Does your article add value to the web? Is it authoritative? Whatever you write, it should add value to the web which will result in quality traffic, links and relevance. Moreover, if you are writing content along with relevant outbound links, you are adding more credential and value to your article. This also helps in more social sharing, as it builds more trust.

7 ) Make your Post – a bookmarking material!

bookmarking material

your posts must contain X-factor to drag your readers back again. topics where some hot discussions or something about new developments becomes eye catching in no time. focus on what to write to ensure maximum rate of return as quickly as possible.

8) Avoid Ads hindering your Readers!

For many bloggers, the soul of blogging lies within the advertisements. well, yes, they are important but you need to value your readers, money will ultimately follow you. A lot of advertisements and promotions distract the readers and they may bounce off your page. Your blog must have more text and less ads.

9) Get Your Articles Printed

My mum suggested this idea to me and I m actually loving it. think about owning a book of yours with your articles printed in it. the thought itself is amazing! so for that, examine your article. ask your self that Do you think your articles are worth printing? If not, make them worth it!

10) keep yourself Focused!

Bloggers often deviate from points making readers confused which results in a high bounce rate coming their way. you need to ask yourself by the end of every paragraph that was it worth writing in this topic? if no, then you should immediately edit it.

that brings us to the end of this topic. judging yourself is much difficult for us than to judge people on the same note, probably because its hard to accept that we might do mistakes too, however a successful person is the one who commits the maximum mistakes but never repeat them Smile


6 thoughts on “10 Hot Tips to Judge Your Articles to Offer High Quality !”

  1. hmm.. i like this post… specially tip 9… i also take printout of every article of my blog “NBB” a technology + interesting +informative Articles. and when i was free then i just read them… it gives a nice feelings to me…

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