20 Ways to Celebrate Christmas This Year-2012

gifts are lovely ways to spread affectionChristmas is a holy day according to the believes of Christianity and people, all over the world wait the entire year to celebrate the eve with their loved ones in their own ways. As promised, we have been sharing dedicated posts on Christmas to provide some great tips to our Christian brothers to make their Christmas a special one this year. Giving gifts and enjoying out in different countries is what is really common. However, we will discuss 20 easy, yet effective ways one can celebrate Christmas decently. Have a look!

1-Meditate and pray in loneliness

Sometimes sit quietly and calmly in the church with a candle, enjoy the irony and exclusive silent relationship with GOD and for a moment enjoy the eve and winter breeze.

2-Keep eyes open, enjoy

It is time to get along with friends and family. Arrange a hangout with your friends, grab snacks and popcorns and enjoy watching Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas or any other animated kids’ classics.

3-Play and pet animals

There could be nothing in the world that could be trusted blindly, but animals are perfect example of naïve, ingenuous, love and affection. Spent time at animal shelter and give them shower, food and first aid. Make them wear ribbons, enjoy and play with them and have pictures.

4-Living nativity

Create sense of being living in community, gather once a week in front of church, discuss issues, share love and create sense of living nativity.

5-Share family time

Sit with friends and family, share moments, memories and shots from the past. It is always fun to sit and share and laugh over silly stupid things from the childhood.

6-Be creative

Be innovative and inventive, create your own wrapping papers to wrap up gifts, self made things have more value and are more appreciated and accepted.

7-Surprise your teachers

It feels good to make others smile. Let your teachers know that they are your favorite and there could be no one better than them to teach you by leaving anonymous notes and spread smiles of love and being cared.

8-Need to switch music

Switch from heavy base and rock music to slow and caroling, change is good for sometimes.

9-Create nativity

Live the season, if living near a sunny beach, sand sculpt the nativity scene and if live near snowy area than create a nativity scene from a snow.

10-Explore the city

The city is cover with a blanket of lights and shimmers, it is always wonderful to go and see stars and lightening in the dark moonlight. Crashed the entire family into a single car, and explore the city, enjoy the lightening.

11-Give away candies

Be part of volunteers, join Salvation Army bell ringer and give away candies to the kids and spread taste of delicious and luscious sweets.

12-Time for gifts

Gifts are unspoken words to say that I care and adore you. Get along with siblings and family, shop for gifts for friends and family and play games, look at people guessing for whom they shopping for. Eat out and party around the street.

13-Spend time with Jesus

Spent time in church, pray, offer church services, clean pastor’s house. Enlighten your soul with the feeling of being close to GOD.

14-Time for chocolate

Chocolates agitate the feeling of love and happiness. Winters are best time for making hot chocolates and coffees, spread aroma of Chocó beans and coffee in the air and with every sip of it enjoy the warmth of life. Share a cup of hot chocolate with your grandparents and sit near the fire and share their stories. It is always fun to hear stories.

15-Stay under moonlight

Switch of lights; enjoy reading “It was the Night Before Christmas” by candlelight, It feels good to read under moon light when the silence is all around you.

16-Try something new

Get in to your kitchens and try a new recipe from different cosines; it is good to enlighten your taste buds with the fabulous and delicious fruits and spices. In this Christmas try something and enjoy eating.

17-Let kids know why do we share sweets

Give away candies with sweet lovely notes and letting your young ones know why we share candies, it is good to have sweets but do not forget to let know from where this tradition came from.

18-Babies are cute

Do you want your Christmas to be perfect then let your mom go shopping, because you can only have presents and a good dinner if she can have complete grocery at home so offer babysitting enjoy sometime playing and feeding little angels.

19-Play musical gala

Singing is the best way to express that “I am happy”, gather famous Christmas carols and play musical gala and let see who can guess many and get surprises with each right guess.

20-Time to know Christmas

Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we share candies? Before you left unanswered you need to read several times about Christmas story (Mathew 1 and Luke 2:1-20), because you need a revision before a kid ask you and spoil your day with his simplest questions.

marry Christmas

Best Wishes


Christmas, chocolate, friends, family