How a Pakistani can Get a Verified Facebook Account?

How a Pakistani can Get a Verified Facebook AccountToday’s world turning to a global village is known to almost everyone. The possibility has been initiated and promoted by different emerging communication technologies. Media in general and social media in particular have brought people across the world closer. Facebook is a whole new world in itself. It has replaced the Orkut community coming to think of social media giants in recent years.

Facebook has got its users all over the world involved in a great many tasks not only related to keeping in contact but also in online business, marketing and advertising fields. Pakistan is also fortunate up till now to have Facebook services running here since there are many big online forums banned in Pakistan for some odd reasons.

Facebook Verified Account

Like other websites, Facebook also offers an option to get a verified Facebook account but that is confined to a number of categories. Verified accounts are available for Government officials, Celebrities, Artists, Popular brands or products, Journalists and Public Events. That probably is the basic condition to get a verified account and you must have a fall into at least any one of the given categories.

The procedure and conditions to get a verified facebook account are given as listed below:

The Quick Pprocedure

  • The number of fans or followers must be in large figures to get your verified account. This is the first condition to register the account.
  • Facebook has set some procedures by which it verifies the information and data provided on your page. You must provide your page with legitimate information to get a verification page.
  • You must have a website of your own that could be linked to your Facebook page/profile in order to get verification.
  • Fill the “about” section of your page correctly because it helps linking the information from website to your page.
  • Use the categories that Facebook require to get verified like celebrity, actor, singer etc for your page.
  • Also add Facebook fan page like box on your official website.
  • While posting and sharing on your Facebook page, keep mentioning the URL of your website.
  • Facebook will automatically verify your account in some time. Sometimes, it takes too long to provide verification badges but sooner or later it is done for some purpose.

So that was a simple and effective way of getting a verified account on Facebook!

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