Use Notice Boxes Plugin For WordPress To Style Your Posts

Are you bored by looking at the same content style in your posts over and over again? Is the default formatting too monotonous for your taste? Well, chances are, you readers are going through the same torment, perhaps intensified! Fortunately, you are in luck. You can change your post styling using popular WordPress plugins, such as Notice Boxes.

(Note: This is a rough draft, and needs to be tweaked a bit before it shall be published)

What is Notice Boxes?

Notice boxes is one such free plugin in WordPress repo, which will make post styling piece of cake. The advantage of this plugin is there are plethora of style boxes for customization of your paragraph styles. You’ve the normal style boxes like Note, Alert, Important, Windows etc with images to the left. In addition to this, you’ve addition style boxes like Android, Google, Chat, Arrow, Refresh, Google Plus, Facebook, Angry Birds, Download etc. This gives multivariate opportunities to extend your creativity in styling your paragraphs and adding style boxes.

Specially for a technology blog, this plugin is very helpful in adding another level of style and look to your blog post. Also, this will help to make your post more scan-able.

If you are using social media sites to drive traffic to your Website, post formatting and post styling are one of many reasons, which make user stick or leave your site. Blog design is one reason and another big factor, how easy it is to read your content and by styling your paragraph or highlighting important text in blog post, this will help you to lower down bounce rate and get more share.

Usually, my idea of using this plugin is to highlight the important point of posts like download link or links which need better CTR. If you are a regular user of ShoutMeLoud, you might notice Harsh has been doing the same for long and as I mentioned above you can see an example above. Another advantage with this plugin is that there is an option to include images on both sides of the style box and center the text.  If you know CSS, you can always customize the plugin images or color of boxes according to your need and blog design.

How to use Notice Boxes

This plugin has to be used in a little Geeky Way! I know all readers here are techno-geeks and will be able to implement this on their blogs hassle free.

These commands were used to generate boxes like in the first image. I think by now you all have understood that you need to add text in the Your text Here area and use the tag for the desired box.Please note that you must type these codes in the HTML view and after installing the plugin.

For example , for this box,

Demo Text

You will need to add the following code :

<p class = note > Demo Text </p>

Using Notice Boxes is extremely easy. You need little or no programming knowledge to use it. You must however have some experience of using WordPress.

I thank Mark for the following guide in which he has explained very well the use of this plugin. He said:

The Guide:

Follow this carefully

  1. When in the WordPress editor, select the HTML tab
  2. Locate where you want to insert the Notice Box
  3. Insert some blank lines at the location where the Notice box is required.
  4. Now select which one of the Notice box you require. If for instance you was “Alert” this will display with a preconfigured color, border and icon.
  5. Now type this (or copy & paste)
     <p class = "alert"> Your Text Here </p>

    Please copy the above code in HTML mode only. 

Now update the post / page and view it.
That is ALL!!!

Tip – to change the graphic, find a graphic PNG file that is MAX 38 x38 pixels. Rename it to “alert.png”. Go to the images sub-folder under plug-ins on your website using FTP. RENAME the existing alert.pdg to alert1.png. Now upload your new graphic and rerun our webpage which has the notice box – and enjoy….!