25 WordPress Plugins Used By Famous Professional Bloggers

3d WordPress logo next to a globeOne of the best things about WordPress is the availability of thousands of plug-ins that you can use with your blog. WordPress has a large developer community, and there are more than 8,000 plug-ins currently available! That makes it the largest plug-in database of all.

But that doesn’t mean you go out and try out all of them! It’ll be years before you try them all out! (assuming of course that you are not a 24/7 blogging geek :P). And honestly speaking, not all of those 8,000 plug-ins are useful (not to every blogger at least). That’s why we have compiled a list of the top 25 plug-ins in use today. They are very simple yet powerful and efficient. Professional bloggers like Amit Agarwal, Darren Rowse and Zac Johnson use these plug-ins as well (trust them if you don’t trust us :P).

wordpress logo with a plug next to it

So unless you intend to experiment (a LOT), you can choose plug-ins from this list only.

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Best Hostgator Hosting plans For WordPress and Blogger

Hostgator - imageWith over 7 million domain owners, and increasing, Hostgator is fast becoming the leading web hosting company out there. There are 9 years of hard work behind their success story. Hostgator was started in 2002 by a student, Brent Oxley (the current CEO of the company), from his room at Florida Atlantic University. Since then, it has moved out of a room as a mere idea, and become one of the best web hosting companies with over 750 dedicated employees providing 24/7/365 phone, email and live chat support, and a 99.9% uptime on their hosting servers.

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