7 Ways Housewives Can Cash Their Talent

housewives can make money nowWoman of today is much more independent, career oriented and talented as compared to her status 30 years back, especially in developing countries. Without any doubt, women of all ages have been proving themselves that they are somehow better than the males of the society when few domains of life are taken into account. However at the same time, Women, being weaker in terms of willpower often prefer to sit back at home and look after home and kids, once they get married. This means that with 50% of the marriages taking place, the world is losing 50% of the talented individuals who could contribute in the fight against poverty.

Here we are, presenting 7 ways for the housewives, who are sitting idle at home, wasting all their talents. With the following simple methods, a considerable outcome is guaranteed without investing anything way too expensive.

1) Tutoring

If you are a housewife and searching some decent ways to utilize your time and knowledge, then giving tuitions are one of the most effective and quick paying back method. With the world going viral with online opportunities, you have two options, either to get registered on sites that look for online teachers and pay by transferring the fee online into your account, or you can always teach some students in real world, depending upon your capabilities. Here is an average outcome you might gather by the end of every month!

Expected tariff:

Student Class Demanded Charges ($) Credit hours/day (thrice a week)
I-IV 15-20 0.45
V-VIII 35-40 1
IX-XII 40-60 1.5

This way, if you can take out even three hours for giving tuitions and succeeded in gathering 6 students (2 students/ hour), you can generate up to $360 a month (ideal case). Becoming a tutor is one of the most respectable jobs for ladies and an easy one too. However, gaining some popularity as reliable tutor may consume more than 6 months even.

tutoring and money

2) Interior Designing and Handicraft

Statistics have shown that out of all the fashion designers out there, 70% of them are females. The reason behind is the fact the women are giving a God gifted approach to make the best use of colors, stones, showpieces, ribbons, etc. The best part about this domain is that it is all based on ideas and can be done whenever busy schedules allow you. If you have received some training about how to make a use of goods and make them appealing enough so that they generate some amount for you, then try working on it. Ask your friends and family to have a look on your creativity and start selling them in cheap prices. There is a great deal of ideas available on YouTube, learn from them and once you get a hold on some unique pieces, you can even go for an exhibition.

3) Write online

With the developments in the online business, there is hardly any difference left between the males and the females of the society in regard of earning online, when we talk about the trend been set globally. If you think that you have got the writing abilities, then stop thinking about anything else and get yourself registered on online sites that pay you more than your expectations if they liked your work.

write articles and make money

4) Programming

As a Computer Engineer myself, I am aware of the vast scope of programming worldwide. If you are a good programmer or a web designer, having a command on languages, you are a housewife-cum- business woman. Start it up with freelancer or elance, and let your clients know that you can provide them with the best of running software and web pages for a decent amount of payback.

5) Stitching Clothes

Developing countries like Pakistan, India, Kazakhstan, etc have their own customs and dress codes. New fashions are a launched within this traditions and if you have the skill of playing with your swing machine effectively, you can earn up to $ 200 a month, let’s see how!

Dress Stitching Demanded Charges ($) Time invested (hours/day)

Simple suit









With this estimated payback that we have gathered from the tailors and housewives charging per suit, you can earn up to $240(Ideal) a month, if you get at least two contracts for daily basis. However, the work is tiring and you might have to overlook your house chores to meet up the deadlines.

6) Cooking

If a woman knows nothing, then she is definitely a successful chef at least. If you have got taste in your fingers, you are really fond of cooking, why not to use it as business? You will see that majority of your neighbors and friends would be more than please to learn from you.

moeny with cooking

7) Becoming a Beautician

It has been said that a woman knows a woman in every sense. True it is! If you are a trained beautician or a beauty specialist, you might be running a saloon by now, if not then you may do some short courses and get a hold on this skill. Establishing your on parlor is an easy thing to do which can be done by allocating a room of your home for it. It’s natural that women want to keep themselves maintained and you can always generate a good revenue by becoming a source. My aunt is making $200 minimum month with her one room only.

So that’s all for now, hope you ladies found the post interesting and useful. Leaving you here on this note that, you have got all the potential to utilize your time and skills, then why to waste the two of them? Build your own identity, things will become easier gradually.

All the Best

16 thoughts on “7 Ways Housewives Can Cash Their Talent”

  1. I am home maker, living in Dubai. I have done M.S in social sciences & very much interested to do some work but I have small baby, My field of interest is writing so kindly can u tell me some online writing websites. I’ll be very grateful to you guys.

  2. hello,
    i’m house wife i want to earn money online at home but i want free to do this i ‘m searching these sites very seaverlat time but all r scam they ask for money if u now any usefull and free site plz tell me i’m very thank full to u
    i’m live in karachi

  3. I do not have a blog spot any longer. I was a chemistry professor in the USA and blogged on Google there for NFC Grant purposes, but now I am in Budapest, Hungary after spending a year in Penang, Malaysia- for my husband’s business. My eldest is school in the US and 2 other children go the international school here. I write, paint, and obviously I know my science; especially, chemistry. I would like your opinion, now that I am an ex-patriot, I would love to share my stories online BUT I want a legitimate source that does pay for my contributions. Who/where would you recommend?

    • Jennifer – this is Tricia from Kiwanis back at your LD Bell days. I would love to get in touch with you about the homeless helpout that we used to do. Thanks.

  4. hello
    I’m a housewife n a mother of 3yr old daughter and 3months pregnant I love doing hand embroidery crochet n i also want to earn money, can u please give me any ideas to how to go forward in this field or any site that supports my……
    i live in Goa.


  5. Nice post.Some old says “Talent hits a target no one else can hit” and god gave a great talent to us,by using that talent you can live on the earth with truth.

  6. Hi,
    My name is lakshmi.I complete my b.tech.now iam housewife.i have 7 years old baby.now she is going to school.i want to do something but I am not getting any ideas.pls help me.i am living in India.i want to prove myself to my neighbours.help me.

  7. There is no job on this earth more important than raising righteous children who are productive citizens while making a home for them and their father! I have homeschooled for 18 years after climbing the proverbial ladder to nowhere with all my education and talents! The most rewarding years of my life have been caring for my home and community. True, I did become a tutor 2 years ago, but I wasn’t “wasting” anything prior. Forbes quoted that a full-time mother with two children is worth over $132,000.00 per year. I have three children. I use all my talents and education raising and educating them. How many women earn that per year? Does it really make sense to pay someone to watch your children so you can go to work? Money is short-term and you either have it or you don’t. Husband and children who rise up and call you blessed are priceless! Watch what you claim to know. This country needs no more divorces, broken families, std’s, single moms, rebellion, crime or any of the chaos that weak families(with and without money) create. You are young and I pray you acquire more wisdom to match your engineering degree. Moms build strong families from home, not the boardroom. With all my education which you say I am wasting I did notice all the grammatical errors you made in your post which weakens your credibility.

  8. I am a house wife and have a 3 years old daughter, I am looking for something in article writing or something related to cooking as I love cooking ,can anyone suggest me can I make money with this, as I need money and also need to look after my daughter. I am from Mumbai.

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