How Youtube Made Kan And Aki Rich?

What made kan and aki richVlogging today has become an occupation for all. It is no more confined to any particular kind of stuff to make videos of and post it on any website. YouTube in regard with Vlogging is the most genuine and popular website and a lot of people are involved in this trait. Do you think that it would take any expertise, past experience or knowledge to get started with your Youtube channel? This is not the case now when you can find people of all ages making videos of their interests and posting it on their Youtube channels. What is much required is that the element of entertainment, information and appeal to the viewers must be there. There can be just one move that could get you to one of the leading channels on YouTube.

Who are Kan And Aki ?

kan and aki net worth

One of the very interesting and charming example that we can find in this regard is the channel Potemi936. The reality that this channel is mainly run by two little Japanese girls would definitely surprise you. The cute and the charming Kanna and Akira, two lovely sisters have got everything what it takes to become the owner of Youtube’s most followed channels. These sisters, with the help of their parents make videos while playing with toys, making jewelries and eating different foods. The innocence and the charm that these little girls have may not be expected from any kid.

how youtube made kan andd aki rich
When everything today is being reviewed than why not the toys? Kan and Aki lead their little fellows to help them choose toys of their interests. The videos is most of the time 3 to 5 minutes long and opens with them talking about a particular toy. After a little cute discussion, the girls start playing with these toys. There are also cooking section when the toys are related to kitchen. They eat and chatter and are very cool to just let their review go off without being posted. They suppose it to be their duty (may be) to guide their fellow kids that how to play and what to play. When it comes to the popularity that they gain from this video, these girls ace it like anything.

Who doesn’t want to get some time free by keeping their kids busy in activity like this? Kids get a lot of attention from these two girls and their videos and that is the time when parents can relax. In short, Kan and Aki can be called as the coolest celebrities among the kids. This is now that their channel has become one of the most followed channel and it gets them earn a lot from it. Its amazing to know how ids can earn these much bucks and make their parents proud.

All about Kan and Aki!

Their channel has now a total of 500,000 subscribers and a billion page views. Their income is now $397100- $320000 making them have a net worth of upto $3.2 million. What a great statistics it is, coming from two coolest and the most confident little girls from Japan.

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