Why Facebook Will End in 2014

Why Facebook will end 2014Oh do not take it wrong! Facebook is no way ending in near future probably because of its strong essence in the world of social media. However, there has been seen a noticeable decrease in the number of Facebook users since the start of 2013 and the decrease is yet not be able to get stable. There are some strong predictions given by social media analysts who treat the future of Facebook really unpredictable.

Taking a keener notice of all realistic reasons why something as big as Facebook might reach its end, here are some of the reasons as per our observation which might take Facebook to its end in 2014. Have a look!

A change into privacy settings

It seems like Facebook has applied the ‘black sheep’ strategy to reshape its existing privacy policies. “Are you on Facebook? “Your privacy is at risk then”, these are some of the very common phrases that we often hear from our surroundings. Facebook, for its slogan of bringing the world to one platform has severely violated the personal privacy of its users where the only person to suffer is the user himself.

People, with the growing levels of awareness are now leaving Facebook as privacy is for sure a high priority matter for majority of them. There has been an overall decrease of 13% of teenagers who have aborted their Facebook use.

Who to Question? Who will answer?

Have you ever tried contacting the Facebook team in order to convey your words/thoughts/issues in proper writing? We did, and so we know that regardless of a healthy help center displayed in settings, there is not even a proper feedback@facebook.com email where one can report his story and can ask for help. All you are allowed to do is to ‘report’ something by making a few clicks no matter your actual issue is there in the possible- offered issues or not.

It is simple, people love to be a part of a company/service providing organization or an online platform where their personal interests are respected and they have a right to speak their words out. With Facebook, it is no more possible.

The glowing alternatives

Twitter had never been as popular as it is now, and so is the case with LinkedIn. It is obvious that when a user has to take care of privacy his own, it is better to publish only those stuffs that are meant to be public and with tweets, nothing cab be safer-yet-quicker.

Facebook’s money making strategy

Whether it be called a greed factor or a business growing aim, Facebook’s new money making policy is a dedicated one where consumer satisfaction seems to be neglected by the team greatly. While Facebook is busy investing huge amounts in buying apps, users like us are suffering and probably would leave it soon this year.

These were some of our analysis, time  to hear from you. Please share your views and your Facebook experiences.


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