Top WordPress Plugins to Enhance Your Blogging Experiance!

WordPressAre you a regular blogger? Do you open up your dashboard nearly every day to add a post or do other administrative work? If so, you will agree with me on this. The standard WordPress dashboard is quite boring (right?). Although it is, by no means lacking in any functionality. But there’s always room for improvement. Human psychology dictates that man can never be happy with his current situation, and always wants more (:P). Therefore, no matter how good the WP dashboard might look to you, it will soon enough begin to bore you.

Which brings us to the question at hand. How to improve your dashboard so that it looks better and feels more comfortable? Well, luckily, there are some plugins that will enhance your blogging experience at the dashboard level.

1. Fluency Admin

With Fluency Admin, you can enhance your dashboard interface. It comes with a login page theme. You can add your own custom logo at the top if you choose to. Best of all, it has attractive CSS drop-down menus for admin links. You can also map keyboard keys as shortcuts to the admin links, hence saving you valuable time.

Fluency Admin

Fluency Admin

Click to Download

2. Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu

This plugin is a friend of the lazy (such as me :P). It creates beautiful yet powerful CSS driven drop-down menus, thus saving you time and clicks. You can fully customize the color schemes of the menu. It also has a compact mode that saves space by only displaying icons, as shown in the image below.

Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu

The following image compares normal and compact views.

Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu

Click to Download

3. Easy Admin Color Schemes

This handy plugin brings color to your WordPress. I mean literally. It adds two more color schemes to the already existing standard blue and grey color schemes in WordPress. Not only that, you can create your own custom color scheme, and import one as well.

Easy Admin Color Schemes


4. Adminimize

This is a very advance plugin that comes with a lot of features. It provides a lot of features to customize your WordPress admin area. As its name suggests, it allows you to remove any unnecessary items from your WordPress administration menu, sub-menu and your dashboard as well. These an be forwarded on to the manage page. This plugin offers you 50 different options for tweaking your WordPress installation. It can be a little complicated, but this is a really valuable tool.



5. Pop Menus for WP-Admin

This plugin creates simple and efficient jQuery and CSS pop menus in your admin side-bar. It makes animated pop ups appear with admin links. Furthermore, it makes the admin sidebar sticking with scrollable page. This tool really gives you an ease of navigation and saves you precious time.

Pop Menus for WP-Admin

Click to Download

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2 thoughts on “Top WordPress Plugins to Enhance Your Blogging Experiance!”

  1. Hi Zaib,
    Informative post, These WordPress Plugins are awesome and i want install this WordPress Plugins now.Thanks for introduce me to top WordPress Plugins.

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