How can you teach Quran from Home via YouTube?

SEM - How can you teach Holy Quran from home via YouTube

While working for options to start working from home, the best of all the available alternatives is to start teaching the Holy Quran from home via YouTube.  By teaching the Holy Quran, you will serve the two important purposes of life which include getting rewards for every word you teach and also gathering some good amount for your living.

However, before starting, you need to figure out what really is helpful for you in the long run. You need to make choices and work hard to gain something. Therefore, today, we are sharing some basic tips to facilitate you in making money from home by teaching Quran via YouTube.

Have a look!

1) Create your Account on YouTube

First and most important step towards earning via YouTube is to create an account on YouTube with a unique yet related username. Your channel should showcase what you are going to offer. You will have to be very specific and clear while choosing your name. Also, add appropriate keywords to make your channel available and easily searched by all. The more well-defined your keywords will be, the more accessible your channel will be for your viewers. In order to increase your viewership, you will have to strive more!

2) Upload your Videos


SEM - Add Videos to YouTube

Since you are about to teach the Holy Quran to the world which is the most sacred book and many people are doing it so you will have to make your videos slight different from the rest yet being on the right track. It will take some time and struggle before you could get anything out of it. Make videos of very high quality but of shorter durations so that it will be easier for your viewers to follow you. You can bring innovation by adding translations and explanations to your videos. You will have to regularly update your content in order to retain attention.

3) Brand yourself to Target more Audience


SEM - Market yourself

In order to get more work from home, you will have to give full time to your channel and keep on bringing innovation to it every now and then. You will have to visit different forums and brand yourself well to target a larger portion of audience. Your name and fame will bring in good amount of money while being at home. Socializing and posting on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and many more will turn out to be a great source of increasing viewership. You need to be smart and effective while marketing yourself.

4) Becoming a YouTube partner


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Becoming a YouTube partner is also another way of kick starting your online income via YouTube but that won’t be a bed of roses. You will have to work hard for that and be patient for anything you do online. Before becoming a YouTube partner, you have to have 500 subscribers, update your content regularly and have a good number of audiences. You should have your original and unique content and never ever copy someone else’s work. Since you are here to teach Quran, you should keep that in mind. Your key to success will be your originality.

5) Sign up to Google Adsense

Google Adsense will help you generate some good amount of money. You will have to sign up at Google Adsense and complete the setup. However, there are some reservations to that such as you must be above 18 years old, have a valid email address and a PayPal account. Then you are ready to go! Once you are done with the setup, Google Adsense will pay you per click and per view. This amount will keep on accumulating and will be transferred to you after it reaches a certain amount. The more audience you have, the more clicks or views you will have and the more you will be paid.

Hopefully, this will help you in teaching the Holy Quran from home via YouTube.

Stay blessed!



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