10 Reasons why Freemasons are so Rich

SEM - 10 Reasons why Freemasons are so Rich

SEM - 10 Reasons why Freemasons are so Rich

Freemasons have developed strong roots in our societies and are indirectly controlling our lives and each and every move. They can be seen in the biggest organizations and revenue generating sectors of the world. Today, they are the main powers and brains behind the major changes and events across the globe. This is an open secret that they have a strong footing in the world politics, technology, banking sector, entertainment industry and many more important walks of life. They are one of the wealthiest communities and the secrets behind their prosperity should be studied closely.

Let’s check out what makes the freemasons so rich!

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Top 10 Richest Freemasons in the World 2020

SEM - Richest Freemasons in the World 2017

SEM - Richest Freemasons in the World 2017

Freemasons are considered to be controlling the whole world’s economy and holding the maximum powers in their hands according to the recent facts and figures. They rule the banks, all financial sectors, help each other and make sure all the power and wealth remain with them. Therefore, today, we have a list of the richest freemasons in the world in 2020.

Let’s have a look at who those big names are!

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Is Bitcoin halal or haram?

SEM - Is Bitcoin halal or haram

SEM - Is Bitcoin halal or haram

Bitcoin is nothing new for the tech world. It has existed for quite some time now and many people are widely using it as the virtual banking currency of the internet. However, there still are a few people who have several questions regarding its existence, use and ways to make money with Bitcoin.

Who created Bitcoin? Where did they actually come from? How did the Bitcoin revolution start? What is their worth and existence? Is Bitcoin a Scam or legit? Who owns them? How do they work? Where can you get them from? And the list of queries goes on!

Therefore, to provide you with all the answers to all the questions crossing your mind, we have done a whole lot of research. Let’s have a look!

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10 Popular cPanel FAQs Every Webmaster Must Know

Popular cPanel FAQS

Popular cPanel FAQS

Considering the number of websites being developed and the amount of business these websites bring, it is becoming quite necessary to bring changes to the website development world. It is time to make things easier for the novice and lessen the burden on the shoulders of website developers. Keeping that in mind, cPanel was developed and released in the market to help users in hosting and controlling their websites.

Let’s look at what cPanel is, how it has helped the people with their websites and what every webmaster must know about it.

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10 Most Popular Female Singers Of Afghanistan in 2017

SEM - 10 Most Popular Female Afghan Singers 2017

SEM - 10 Most Popular Female Afghan Singers 2017

Women from countries, previously considered as conservative, such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan are gaining high popularity in the entertainment and media sectors due to some wonder women.

Singing and acting is rapidly getting into their blood and more and more females are making strong grounds in the field of entertainment.

Therefore, today, we have gathered a list of most popular female singers from Afghanistan in 2017. These exceptional women even after leaving their country due to the disturbing law and order situation have gained a lot of success. Let’s have a look!

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How can you teach Quran from Home via YouTube?

SEM - How can you teach Holy Quran from home via YouTube

SEM - How can you teach Holy Quran from home via YouTube

While working for options to start working from home, the best of all the available alternatives is to start teaching the Holy Quran from home via YouTube.  By teaching the Holy Quran, you will serve the two important purposes of life which include getting rewards for every word you teach and also gathering some good amount for your living.

However, before starting, you need to figure out what really is helpful for you in the long run. You need to make choices and work hard to gain something. Therefore, today, we are sharing some basic tips to facilitate you in making money from home by teaching Quran via YouTube.

Have a look!

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How can Women Make Money from Home by Stitching?



Do you like stitching? Can you spend a few hours every week in a closed room with just a sewing machine by your side? Do you have a creative mind? Would you like to showcase your talent and make money from home? If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you should definitely go for an online stitching business!

Starting a stitching business is not a difficult task. It is comparatively quite easier since all you need is a sewing machine and a few hours every week. You don’t have to quit your job or sacrifice your ongoing work in any way. You can start off with small tasks and projects and once the business grows, you can decide which way to opt for.

So are you ready to turn your stitching skills into cash? Well, continue reading to find out how you can join the club of crafters and sewers.

Let’s have a look!

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15 Major Differences between a Blog and Website

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SEM - 15-Major-Differences-between-a-Blog-and-Website

These days the words such as a ‘website’ and a ‘blog’ are not new for people with even a minimal access to internet so I do not need to give and intro for these terms to you all. Blogs and websites are the main source of attraction for the viewers and customers. They are the first step towards betterment in your business.

As saying goes:

‘All apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples.’


‘All blogs are websites but not all websites are blogs.’

However, what some of you might not be aware of is the major difference between the two and how these two make a difference to the global world with their presence. Let me put some light to the major differences between a blog and a website. Check out what we have in store for you today!

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5 Ways to Earn Money Online by Making Jewelry

SEM - 5 Ways to Earn Money Online by Making Jewelry

  SEM - 5 Ways to Earn Money Online by Making Jewelry

Since women in Pakistan are quite eager to excel in their lives, make money by selling clothes, jewelry, shoes and other accessories for their families and put in some contribution to their lifestyle, they are looking for ways to do so. Having some grave responsibilities over their shoulders, it is hard for them to leave their premises. They have a family and kids to look after, a home to take care, cooking, cleaning and a lot of other chores to complete therefore, it is near to impossible to step out. This is where we step in!

We bring you ways to make money online by sitting at home, right in your bedroom with just a laptop on your hand and a great idea in your mind to start off with. For ladies, with great sense of fashion and a blend of innovation and creativity, we are sharing ways to earn money online by making jewelry.

Let’s have a look!

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How to Get Back Your Stolen Car without Tracker or Insurance?

How to Get Back Your Stolen Car without Tracker or Insurance

How to Get Back Your Stolen Car without Tracker or InsuranceWith the rapidly changing technologies and constant new advancements, there are so many innovative ways of saving yourself from accidents and making lives a lot easier. Since we bring you something new and helpful every now and then, here we are again with something really handy for you. Today, we will share a small yet unique hack with you which will assist you in getting your stolen car back. You must be thinking what’s new here? Well, we will tell you how to get your hard earned and expensive car back without a tracker or insurance. Yes, you read it right; without a tracker or insurance!

Let’s have a look at a very useful tip for car owners!

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Top 10 Business Schools – 2017 Updated


sem-top-10-business-schools-of-2017Business schools are all about creating another set of MBAs and businessmen each year. With the rapid demand of business and entrepreneur minds, these business schools are quickly bagging up their pockets. However, due to recession, the payback isn’t that fast. On an average, it takes around 5 years for business graduates from reputed business schools to get their entire tuition fee back. Here, is a list of such apparent business schools of 2017.

Let’s check out which ones are back on the charts!

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