Getting Rich Ideas To Sell Jewelry And T-Shirts On Facebook

make money on facebookEarning money in this era is no longer restricted to having a job, online or otherwise. Many people take on part-time jobs and activities as the economic conditions force them to look for alternative sources of income. This trend is becoming especially popular in youth, who have the determination and the energy to do something productive along with studies.Indeed, there are many ways students are earning money online. But while these are some of the more traditional approaches, it is important for students and the youth to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and approach. This involves thinking outside the box, and coming up with new ideas. Since the youth these days is more into fashion than ever, now would be a good idea for them to come up with a product or brand of their own, and promote it on Facebook. For example, selling T-shirts, jewelry, or other fashion accessories can be a good way to go!

Start a brand

For most people, this is the hardest part. Creating a new brand from scratch can be challenging, especially for those who have no experience in this whatsoever. Such people don’t necessarily have to come up a million dollar idea. In fact, it can be as simple as designing custom T-Shirts. If you are interested in fashion (especially females), then you can even start selling fashion accessories and jewelry etc. For any brand, the idea doesn’t necessarily have to be unique. But what you do should be original.

sell t-shirts

Start off with small stuff. For selling T-Shirts, you don’t need any investment. First of all, you need to get a good graphic designing software, such as Adobe Photoshop. Learn some photo editing and graphic designing, and start with a simple design. You can ask your friends for suggestions. Next, you’ll need to print out some T-Shirts. This will cost you some money depending upon the quality. But you need to make sure they will sell before you create some print outs. A good way is to sell T-Shirts is by creating a design relating to a recent social event in a college/university. That way, people attending the event will want to blend in by getting an event-related T-Shirt. Once you get going, you can build your brand by offering various designs, and giving people the option to order a custom design etc. To learn about how to sell T-Shirts in more detail, read the following post.

Another great money-making idea can be selling jewelry and fashion accessories to young people. I personally know someone who came up with this simple idea of getting custom tops printed and selling them for a profit. The business eventually grew, and now is a proper local fashion brand, selling shoes, hand-bags, golden and silver rings/ear-rings, and so on.

Hence, you can see that coming up with a new brand isn’t very difficult. You can take any mainstream idea, and run with it. It is, after all, your service that distinguishes your brand from others.

Set up a website

The first thing you need to after coming up with a brand is getting a corresponding domain. Never create social media profiles before getting a domain, because people are quite active on social media, and someone might scoop up your domain name and then, you’ll have to purchase it from them at a high cost. o set up a website for your brand, and customize it and add some initial content. You don’t need to have any web designing skills to set up a website. You can use a free blogging platform such as WordPress or Blogger and start publishing!

Get active – start promoting

The next phase is of course the promotion. Even if you don’t have much content on your website, you should still start promoting. Facebook should be your priority, since most people use Facebook. Create a Facebook page, and start sharing your content on Facebook.

You can ask your friends to promote your brand as well. They will share your page, which will instantly extend your reach to people far beyond your own grasp. Additionally, you can make use of Facebook ads and start publicizing your brand! That is, however, a thing for later on, if you have enough spare money at hand. Otherwise, page promotion would do just fine. Read our post on Facebook promotion to get a better idea.

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